The Unmistakable Truth About Trusting Your Intuition

We are all incredibly intuitive beings.  It is our birth right; it is our natural way of being.  Have you ever had those moments when something happens and you say, “ha, I knew that was going to happen!” or have you ever thought about someone and you see them that day, or the phone rings and it is that same person on the other end?  Have you ever walked into a new place and felt really excited to be there, or maybe just the opposite and you can’t wait to leave?  Have you ever felt like something was “off” only to later discover that there was an earthquake, or perhaps your child came home sick from school? 

There are thousands of examples, each of them intuitive moments.  We all have these moments and we can be open to experiencing many more of them to the point where our intuition is an integral part of assisting you through your world in the most amazing and positive way.

Think of your intuition as a gauge or a compass or perhaps a dashboard.  When everything “feels” good, there is a flow, an excitement, a feeling of inner peace or contentment.  You want to keep flowing in that direction because it feels good.  When something is off, you feel it.  You may not know exactly what it is, but something doesn’t feel right.  You may be excited or wanting something so much and so moving in the direction towards it, yet, there is something speaking to you, telling you that something is not quite right.

One of the hardest parts of intuition is learning to trust the messages or feelings that you have.  What you sense may not be the cultural norm or the expectation that you have or feel others have for you.  For example: I have a lovely client named “Amy”.  Amy was working in a job that gave her consistency and security, yet she felt that something was “off”, but couldn’t put her finger on exactly what it was.  She couldn’t say that something was really wrong, but she definitely knew something wasn’t right.  Knowing that she was deepening her intuitive practice, I asked her to close her eyes and ask her heart what she should do.  She said that it was time to get her resume together.  This was not the answer that she wanted to hear, she didn’t want the trouble of looking for a new job, going to interviews, etc.  After discussion, she decided that she would do just one step at a time and she got to work updating and spiffing up her resume.  About a week later, a job posting came directly to her attention, even though she wasn’t looking for it.  She loved the posting so much, she decided to apply.  She was immediately called for an interview and was offered the job.  Amy loves her new job so much and has never been happier and is meeting new people and working in an incredibly positive environment.  About a week after she left her previous job, they announced a department shuffle and she would have been moved to a different city if she wanted to keep her job.  Even though at first, Amy did not want to trust her intuition, it led her in the most amazing and positive direction!

Learning to trust, believe, listen to and follow your feelings and the messages that they convey to you is so incredibly important.  Sometimes it may not be what you want to hear, sometimes you may feel impatient and want something to come or happen fast.  Slow down and tune into your body.  Your feelings are a direct message from your intuition.  If something “feels” off, it probably is.  Remember that Spirit is subtle most of the time.  When people are learning to trust their intuition, they often wait for or expect a thunder and lightning kind of experience.  Spirit is gentle and loving and your intuition is the same.  In order to hear the whispers of your soul, you need to take a step back, slow down, and get quiet.  What is your body saying to you?  What do you feel?  Where do you feel it?  How does it feel?  What does your heart really have to say about this situation?  When you ask and listen to your heart, it will never lead you wrong, even if the first step doesn’t make sense.

Let your intuition be a part of your dashboard.  Check in with your feelings often.  As you begin to honor and trust your feelings, intuition will become a more normal or natural way of being.  I wish you great love and joy on your journey.

All my love, Michelle

Shifting Energy and the Call of Your Life Purpose

As we move through 2013, there is a growing and intensifying energy that is supporting the release of negativity and the shedding of old habits and fears as you are encouraged and supported to move towards your true life purpose. You may have the feeling that you should be doing something different, a growing restlessness inside or a feeling of wanting to make a change but you are not sure how to do it or what to do.

This energy is only going to intensify on the planet as energetically there is a real and growing need to change and evolve, not only with you personally, but with the entire planet. It can feel really overwhelming to want something new, to make a change in your life or to support planetary shifts towards peace, love and abundance for all, so where do we start? By taking one step at a time.

First of all, know that your dreams are a huge part of your purpose! You have come here to have fun, to experience joy, to love what you do and to share that love and passion with others as they find what they love to do. When you are following your dreams, whether it is to take a vacation, to try an experience or go to a particular restaurant, you will find yourself in a state of bliss. When you are in that state of bliss, doors open, new experiences become available, you meet new people and new opportunities and ideas arise. You find inspiration, purpose and meaning!


One of the things that I am seeing in my practice right now is such a huge desire to make changes that come into line with a true life purpose. Even more exciting there is such a willingness to take steps towards that calling. For example, you may have a dream to be a healing practitioner, so why just dream about it? Perhaps you need to learn more about it, or perhaps you have all of the qualifications you need, but you have not allowed yourself to begin working people. Rather than be overwhelmed and wondering how you will support yourself, why not just begin? Start with supporting a friend or a family member. When you want something new, changing everything immediately may not be the answer for you, but you can make adaptations that allow you to take steps in the direction of your dreams.

My Aunt Edie has always been such a huge inspiration in my life and recently lived one of her dreams, to walk across the UK. To do this, she didn’t just jump on a plane with a pair of hiking shoes and a backpack; she took steps (literally millions!) to make it happen. It took research, planning and training, which she did with complete joy, really looking forward to the journey and experience she was nurturing. Now that she has lived this dream, you can feel the expansion and excitement as new ones pour forth! How incredible!

We all have the ability to apply this process to our lives. Take steps towards you dreams! The Universe is REALLY supporting your life purpose and dreams right now with incredible manifestation energy that will only continue to intensify for those who are tapped in. One of my favorite quotes is from Deepak Chopra, “what you seek, you already are.” I use that energy every single day, I embody my dreams with every fibre of my being. “I am one with Source. All of my needs, desires and goals are met instantaneously by infinite and Divine Source energy!” This really helps to release any fears or doubts my ego may have and keep me focused on the unfolding of the miracles that happen all around me.

A journey may seem like a thousand miles away when you first look at but it will never get closer unless you take that first step. You came here, to be right where you are at this moment with a purpose to fulfill and if you have a deepening wishes, desires and dreams, your life purpose is calling to you! Move in the direction of what you desire by being that which you desire right now, even in a small way. My wish for you is that you release any fear and doubt and nurture your beautiful dream!

All my love, Michelle


As a Spiritual Consultant, Intuitive, Medium,Reiki Master Teacher, Shamanic Practitioner writer and speaker with over 15 years of experience, Michelle is passionate about the incredible beauty and potential within each of us.   Michelle is a lifelong Clairvoyant and Intuitive and whether through an intuitive reading, energetic healing session, workshop or event, Michelle will support you to be in the flow of your incredible potential immediately you will truly feel empowered as you connect to your higher self,the Divine, your intuition and most importantly the beautiful light within.  To learn more, visit or
or contact Michelle by email: